Integrated System Plan Energy Efficiency Forecasting

Australian Energy Market Operator - 2017-2025

Since 2017 SPR has been commissioned by the AustralianEnergy Market Operator (AEMO) to prepare energy efficiency forecasts for theIntegrated System Plan (ISP). The ISP is a roadmap for the transition ofAustralia’s National Energy Market (NEM), detailing the directions and changesrequired for that market to continue to deliver on its key objectives to 2050and beyond.

In the case of the latest forecasting round ahead of the 2026 ISP, SPR were tasked with preparing forecasts for each separate Australian State and Territory in the NEM the Wholesale Electricity Market (WA), and the Northern Territory (NT), annually to FY2058, for each scenario defined in AEMO’s Draft 2025 Inputs, Assumptions and Scenarios Report (IASR). The forecasts are presented by fuel (electricity and gas only), market type, sector, sub-sector, state, region, scenario,end-use type and component type (including market-led and policy-led components). These forecasts will feed into the 2026 update to the Integrated System Plan (ISP).

Australian Energy Market Operator - 2017-2025